Final Edits In
7 months ago
– Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 07:00:41 AM
Dear Backers,
I just approved the final edits and am beginning to the process of uploading the book to the printer. We still have a few steps to go to complete the publishing process, but this is a big step. We should be able to fulfill by mid/late summer.
Once the book is uploaded, we will no longer be able to change orders. Please make sure to fill out your surveys if you haven’t done so already. We’ll be locking orders and charging cards by the middle of next week.
We’re really close to getting this book to you, and are so excited that you’ll soon be able to read it.
Ari, Sara, and Mike
Please fill out you survey
8 months ago
– Tue, May 21, 2024 at 06:54:04 AM
As of this morning, 59 percent of you have filled out your surveys. If you are among that percentage, thank you. If you are in the other 41 percent, please take a moment and fill it out. You've probably received multiple emails from Backerkit with the link.
Edits are moving into the final stages, and soon, orders will lock, so it's important that all the surveys are filled out before we move from production to fulfillment.
Ari, Sara, and Mike
S is for Surveys/P is for Preorders
9 months ago
– Tue, May 07, 2024 at 01:12:12 PM
Dear Backers,
Just a quick note to remind you that, as of yesterday, all of you should have have received your survey. Please fill out the survey in a timely manner so that we can get your books to you without delay!
The other big new this week is that the preorder shop is now open. If you know anyone who might want a book, but who missed out on the campaign, please direct them to:
All our best,
Ari, Sara, and Mike
S is for Surveys--The Awful Alphabet Project Update
9 months ago
– Thu, May 02, 2024 at 10:15:00 AM
Dear Backers,
Thank you, again, for making this campaign such a huge success. By now, your credit card should have been charged, and you should be awaiting your survey (more on that below). Most of the payments went through, but if your was one of the few that didn't, there's still time to update your information.
I've started the process of sending the surveys. I sent the "smoke test" this morning, which means 5 percent of you will have already received your survey by the time you read this. The purpose of the smoke test is to test the surveys before they go out to the majority of backers, so that any issues can be identified and resolved before the rest of them go out. The 5 percent is chosen by Backerkit, so I don't know who they (you?) are, but if if you've already received the survey, fill it out, and, if you see any issues, please let me know.
The rest of you will receive your surveys on Monday (assuming there are no major issues with the smoke test). It is important for you to fill out the survey, to confirm your order and shipping, and to add on any items you wish.
In the meantime, we are entering final edits on the book. Mike and Sara are working through the scan to make sure the colors are perfect, and, once they're done, I'll be doing my final proofread of the book. After that, it's off to the printer, and then to you.
Thank you, again, for supporting out campaign. We can't wait to get The Awful Alphabet into your hands.
Ari (for Sara and Mike)
C is for Celebration: Thank you for for Pledging to the Awful Alphabet
9 months ago
– Wed, Apr 10, 2024 at 05:05:09 AM
We did it! The campaign is over, and not only did we fund, we reached two stretch goals. That means, in addition to your pledge reward, you will receive both a digital poster and an audiobook edition of The Awful Alphabet narrated by Carol Beth Anderson.
Here's what to expect going forward:
- Backerkit will be confirming your payment in the coming days, and if there are any issues, you'll have 14 days to correct any issues.
- After the 14 day period, you will receive a survey asking where you'll select any custom options associated with your pledge level and have the opportunity to add on to your pledge (if you want to) by purchasing different products.
- Please note: Shipping will be charged at a later date, once we have product and know the exact weight and dimensions each product.
- Sara, Mike, and I are hard at work on the production end, and the funds we've raised will allow us to produce the best book possible.
- We will, of course, update you on our progress going forward, but we expect the books to ship by early July.
Thank you so much for making this project a success. We appreciate every single one of you.
With gratitude,
A. A. Rubin, Sara McCall Ephron, and Mike Ponce.